Member News

4D Technology, an Onto Innovation subsidiary

4D pioneered “dynamic” measurement technology, paving the way for entirely new classes of instruments that change how manufacturers and scientists think about measurement. From the world’s premiere astronomical  observatories, to optical manufacturing shops, to aircraft flight lines, 4D gages and instruments provide 3D measures accurately, despite vibration and noise that stop other instruments in their tracks. Click HERE to find out more about this featured member!

Call for 2025 APOMA Board Nominations

The Board is seeking nominations for two At-Large APOMA Board positions this Fall. At-large directors are those who represent Corporate members. The Board is interested in broadening its industry representation. We would like to see numerous applicants from across the USA. It is our intent to offer a diverse and numerous panel of candidates to our membership for election.

We ask that you consider throwing your hat into the nomination ring by submitting yourself or convincing a colleague to apply. The nomination process is currently open and will close on 11/29/24. Nominations can be sent to Zach Hobbs, APOMA Secretary, at email: Nominations should include a short bio and letters/emails of support from three additional APOMA members.

Voting will take place in December, and new At-Large members will take their positions at the APOMA Annual Meeting at Photonics West 2025.

Last call!! APOMA New Orleans Tech Workshop, Oct 8-11 2024



  • Rock star speakers covering practical & educational topics.
  • Answers to your questions in face to face discussions.
  • Valuable market intelligence.
  • A world-class venue.
  • A once in a lifetime opportunity to visit Nobel Prize winning LIGO.
  • An underlying goal of support for our industry.

This exclusive event is for APOMA members only. We hope you can join us!

Registration cut-off is September 17, 2024. This is also the hotel room block cut-off date. No event registration refunds will be given after this date.